Some time ago I already reported about my first attempts with chard and produced a delicious mangold quiche and a delicious chard lasagna. And since then I just can not get rid of this vegetable anymore. A shame that I have not discovered it for myself before! How such a simple leafy plant can be so delicious and versatile. Madness ... And for me chard is also still on spinach on the top list. After reading how well chard is good with potatoes, the next idea was born. And what fits better at the moment than a dish that uses my stocks (Greek yogurt, eggs, potatoes) and goes jerk-over? Fast chard with garlic yoghurt for 2 portions 150 g of Greek natural yoghurt 2-3 cloves of garlic 1 onion 3 medium potatoes 1 bunch of Swiss chard (for me it was red stalker) 1 Tl organic vegetable stock powder 2 eggs salt, pepper oil for the pan For the garlic yoghurt the garlic cloves Peel and press into the yoghurt. Season with salt and pepper, stir well and place in the refrigerator until use. Peel the onion and chop finely. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes (about 1.5 cm thick). The mangold stalks from the leaves ...

Quick chard with garlic yoghurt

Some time ago, I reported on my first attempts with chard and made a delicious chard quiche and a delicious chard lasagna.
And since then I just can not get rid of these vegetables. A shame that I have not discovered it for myself before! How such a simple leafy plant can be so delicious and versatile. Madness ... And for me, chard is also on the top list before spinach.

After reading how well chard also goes with potatoes, the next idea was born. And what fits better at the moment than a dish that uses my supplies (Greek yogurt, eggs, potatoes) and goes too fast? > Quick chard with garlic yoghurt
for 2 servings
150 g of Greek natural yoghurt
2-3 garlic cloves
1 onion
3 medium sized Potatoes
1 bunch of Swiss Chard (for me it was again red-stalked)
1 tablespoon organic vegetable stock powder
2 eggs
salt, pepper
Pan Oil
Peel the garlic cloves and press into the yoghurt for the garlic yoghurt. Season with salt and pepper, mix well and place in the fridge until ready to use.
Peel and finely chop the onion.
Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes (approx. 1.5 cm thick).
Cut the mangold stalks off the leaves, cut into very thin pieces and wash well.
Heat some oil in a deep frying pan and fry the onions in a glassy saucepan
Add the potato cubes and chard stalks and fry for a few minutes.
Dust with broth powder and pour enough water to cover them lightly. Put a lid on and allow to simmer for about 10 minutes.
In the meantime, clean the chard leaves and cut lengthwise, then sliced ​​into small strips.
When the potatoes are almost cooked are, the leaves in the pan and collapse. Continue to cook for a few minutes.
Turn down the temperature, place the two eggs in the pan, and replace the lid until the eggs have settled.
Season with salt and pepper Serve immediately with the garlic yogurt.
Chard pot with potatoes, egg and garlic yoghurt
fresh baked nougat taler with chocolate coating

I hang with the baking cookies totally behind. So far, I have just made my every-year-always-happy-standard cookies. But all the great ideas I've had are either gone or I just did not get it. But that is also due to my kitchen. After my move, my kitchen was only halfway finished. And if all goes well, I finally have a complete kitchen this evening and can really develop and let off steam. Yesterda...

fresh salad with brussels sprouts, chorizo ​​and almonds on a plate

When I discovered the salad leafing through an American magazine, it had happened to me. Brussels sprouts as a salad? This will get me right away. One of my - I think - coolest recipes is the raw Brussels sprouts salad with apples, walnuts and pecorino. This will get you real Brussels spunk haters. A real blast recipe. Another winter salad recipe is of course the red cabbage salad with chorizo. Te...


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For quick rest baking for the weekend, I have picked out another recipe with Martha Stewart, which is super easy to do and always goes down well: Brownies! However, the raspberry blondies have not been beaten so far. After having experience with monster brownies, they should be a little easier this time. But not boring either. That's when the idea with the caramelized pecans came in handy! Chocola...