Bangkok Downtown Location. Easy To Find. Right in The Heart of Downtown Salisbury.



131 E Innes St, Salisbury, North Carolina

Hours Of Operation

Mon. to Sun.

11:00AM to 2:30PM

4:30 PM to 10:00PM

Contact Info

EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

TELEPHONE: (704) 603-6253

FAX: (704) 603-6254

Customer Testimonials

Sam W

Sushi and Menu selections are excellent. We now live in another state, but visit Bangkok Downtown in Salisbury when visiting our friends and relatives. Accommodating seating for two or large family gatherings. Friendly, courteous, efficient wait staff serving delicious freshly prepared Thai choices while its hot.


Lomite Bubble Tea is a Chinese restaurant in the Usera neighborhood where you can eat noodles, barbecued skewers and delicious Chinese bubble tea....

the gutted fish is filled with lemon and herbs

The best man called this afternoon full of energy and asked if we do not want to grill. The weather seemed perfect: nice and warm, hardly any clouds in the sky - you just have to use this opportunity. At the same time he offered to drive past the wholesale market and look for a nice piece of meat or a fresh fish. Beaming with joy, he announced that he had gotten two splendid specimens of Doraden, ...

 easy and homemade pea cream

Try this easy cooking recipe to prepare, step by step, a quick, comforting and very nutritious pea cream....

 bean salad

Learn how to prepare a delicious bean salad step by step with very few ingredients. Easy and healthy recipe....