Easy and delicious cooking recipes Healthy recipes, salad recipes, dessert recipes, soups, rice dishes, chicken recipes, meats, fish ...

Easy recipes for all occasions

There is a belief that cooking is difficult, that preparing a delicious dish requires a certain level of mastery and that, in any case, it is necessary to follow complicated instructions to achieve any decent meal.

Well, no . There are many easy and quick recipes that you can make in the kitchen of your home, without much complication and with ingredients that we all have in our refrigerators and pantries. In fact, many of these dishes are cheap, do not require rare or exclusive products, only what you get in the supermarket of all life.

And you know what? In Comedera.Com we have enough of these recipes, which are prepared in a short time, with few ingredients and that do not require having any special skill or experience in the kitchen to prepare them.

Our recipes Favorite easy cooking

Any of these dishes you can make right now. There is everything a little, from soups, creams and rice, to delicious desserts. Are you ready?

cream of carrot and curry How to make carrot cream: The creams are in the top of the easy recipes for dinner: they are wonderful, they feed a lot and are usually very simple to make. This cream of carrots is particularly delicious.

cream of zucchini Cream of zucchini: next to cream of carrots, this is one of the easiest, healthiest and lightest recipes available. You have it ready in 30 minutes and it's delicious!

how to make garlic soup Garlic soup : The famous Castilian soup or garlic soup is a delight that anyone can prepare at home. It is made with garlic, eggs, bread and sausage. You will be surprised with how easy it is. Try it!

tuna top marmitako Tuna Marmitako: The marmitako is a fisherman's dish. It is prepared with tuna, peppers and potatoes. Easiest impossible. You will not share it half with anyone, you will eat it all.

rice with sausages Rice with sausages: Making white rice is very easy. The next level is that you make this rice with sausages, it's a fun and delicious dish.

rice with vegetables Rice with vegetables: If you do not want to make rice with sausages from above, do this with vegetables. Equally easy and delicious.

Entominated chicken: A delicious stewed chicken that is Prepare with tomato and herbs. He practically cooks himself!

sweaty fish Baked sweaty fish with potatoes: This is a dish that is prepared very easily. Fish, some vegetables, potatoes and the oven does the work.

pasta napoli Pasta with sauce tomato or pesto sauce: we all know how to make pasta, right? Here you have 2 essential sauces, and very delicious to accompany. And if you put them to cheese better!

how to make roasted chicken Roast chicken: This is a recipe of public utility. Everyone should know how to make roast chicken. It has no difficulty and is delicious.

how to make salmon baked with lemon Easy baked salmon : The fish made in the oven is delicious and easy to prepare.Simple, delicious and very nutritious.

Andalusian gazpacho recipe Andalusian gazpacho: The gazpacho is one of the best easy and healthy recipes for people without time. Like salmorejo, it is made with fresh tomato. And it's perfect for hot days.

chicken recipes in sauce Chicken in sauce: In this superfood post you have 20 different chicken recipes in sauce so you can enjoy cooking them. All easy and very rich.

Easy dessert recipes

Of course, we could not talk about easy and quick recipes without mentioning some easy-to-make desserts that you can prepare even inexperienced:

mary cookie cake list Mary Cookie Cake: My favorite dessert of all the lifetime. It's so easy that even a child (with adult supervision) can prepare it.

strawberry-mousse Strawberry mousse: This delicious dessert is prepared with 4 ingredients in 30 minutes. Easy or what?

how to make butter cookies Butter cookies: We all love cookies cookies, and best of all, they are not difficult to prepare at home. In fact you'll be surprised how easy it is to make them!

chocolate mousse Chocolate mousse: Chocolate fans will be happy knowing that they can prepare this dessert with just 4 ingredients. Did you want easy dessert recipes? Well this is it!

chocolate cake

Chocolate cake: The cupcakes fall into the category of delicious and easy recipes that anyone can make at home. It is one of the favorite desserts of children and adults.

yogurt cake Yogurt cake: easy to make, fluffy, and very rich. After the chocolate, it's my second favorite.

easy cheesecake recipe Cheesecake: the famous and delicious homemade cheese cake is a simple dessert to make you can learn in a short time. We love it!

And if you are already a teacher preparing any of these easy dishes, we invite you to browse through our different categories of recipes that we have available at Comedera.Com

easy cooking recipes

Cooking recipes to make at home

Here you can find a wide variety of recipes , from the simplest ones that teach you the basics such as preparing white rice, to elaborate and exotic dishes: Indian curries, Chinese food recipes, food dishes Spanish and of course, desserts.

Bake, stew, fry, boil ... What fun it is to make food at home! A little creativity, patience and practice will result in delicious dishes to share.

rice with chicken Recipes of rice

At Comedera.Com we are fans of cooking recipes that include rice among its main ingredients.Here are some strong food recipes.

baked chicken wings ready Chicken Recipes

We have many chicken recipes of all kinds for you to prepare. From exotic delicacies like the Indian Tikka Masala Chicken, to the wonderful rice with chicken.

fish with prawns and shells Fish and seafood recipes

We also have a delicious section with fish and seafood recipes that are meant to drive you crazy. Many of our favorite recipes are here.

healthy spicy chicken salad Salad recipes

Easy and healthy recipes are very important, that's why we also have a simple and delicious salads section.

 dessert recipes Dessert recipes

We love desserts of all kinds, healthy, unhealthy, easy to make, not so easy. We have desserts for all tastes.

cake of strawberries with cream Recipes of healthy desserts

We know how important it is to have a healthy diet and we also know how much you want to sweeten your palate. Well, our healthy dessert recipes are ideal to achieve these goals.

cream of carrot and curry Soups and creams

From the classic homemade chicken soup to the wonderful carrot cream with a touch of curry, in this cookbook we explore those delicious dishes that are almost always connected to maternal memories 🙂

pasta recipes Pasta recipes

Pasta is one of the foods Most popular, delicious and easy that exist. There are thousands of ways to prepare pasta. Here at Comedera.Com we show you some options to make your mouth water.

Many recipes for indispensable cooking

We have many basic recipes that serve starting point to develop other dishes, among which stand out: how to make perfect white rice, how to make chicken broth, how to make homemade tomato sauce, how to make homemade yogurt.

We also show you how make bread and how to make pizza from scratch, including tricks to make it perfect 😀

And also international recipes

We have a wonderful selection of recipes of Peruvian food:

  • Shrimp suckers
  • Chili pepper
  • And of course the legendary ceviche.

If we go around Asia we have delicious dishes from Korea such as Bibimbap, from Thailand the soup Tom Kha Gai and from China because these delicious noodles with pork, among others.

We also have a section n easy recipes for those interested in dieting or eating healthy:

  • Healthy recipes

And if nostalgia attacks you, check out our recipes home cooking, nothing better than meals that remind us of home!

  • Homemade recipes

Do not have much time to cook? See our list of quick recipes.

Make public your passion for gastronomy, prepare easy recipes of Comedera.Com, share them and of course, tell us!

Save this page among your favorites, we will always publish recipes. This list will be updated constantly.

Pd: recipes is written with "C" and cooking as well. It is incorrect to write "cosina recipes" or "kitchen recipes" , both words are written with "C". 😉

receta de crema de marisco casera

Try this recipe for cooking to prepare, step by step, a very tasty and scented seafood cream, elegant and very easy....

fresh salad with brussels sprouts, chorizo ​​and almonds on a plate

When I discovered the salad leafing through an American magazine, it had happened to me. Brussels sprouts as a salad? This will get me right away. One of my - I think - coolest recipes is the raw Brussels sprouts salad with apples, walnuts and pecorino. This will get you real Brussels spunk haters. A real blast recipe. Another winter salad recipe is of course the red cabbage salad with chorizo. Te...


Bangkok Downtown Location. Easy To Find. Right in The Heart of Downtown Salisbury....

a piece of freshly baked tart with nectarines and vanilla cream

Actually, I had actually already started the autumn with my plum cake, but now I jump back to the summer fruit. I am as changeable as this summer itself. This year I had my problems with peaches and nectarines. Either the stuff was so mushy and no longer edible or stick hard and was not soft. The only delicious peaches I've had this year, I've made as a sweet side dish to the ricotta pancakes. Whe...