After last weekend's cake gluttony, what has to be lighter and fresher now, matching spring. However, I must emphasize once again how badly tasty this cake is! Some time ago I discovered a rather inconspicuous recipe in an English women's magazine. However, the combination sounded pretty good and that's why I had to make it up. It is a salad whose main ingredients are chickpeas and baby tubes. This is the preparation jerk-off and the salad is a great idea for lunch or a fix dinner. You save on the carrots peeling, if you grab the prepared mini carrots from the refrigerated shelf and the chickpeas may like to come out of the glass or from the can. The only thing that takes a little longer is the stewing of the carrots in the oven - but they are wonderfully sweet and mild and the preparation is otherwise very easy and quick - promised! I would never have come up with the idea of ​​combining these various ingredients with feta and parsley, but the compilation is truly one of a kind and I was simply thrilled with the blast from so few and so different ingredients. You can have the salad ...

Spring fresh: Chick-pea salad with baby tubes and feta

After last weekend's cake gluttony, what has to be lighter and fresher now - matching spring. However, I have to emphasize once again how deliciously yummy this coffee cake is!
Some time ago I discovered a rather inconspicuous recipe in an English women's magazine.
The combination sounded pretty delicious and that's why I had to nachbasteln. It is a salad whose main ingredients are chickpeas and baby tubes.

The preparation is jerk-fast and the salad is a great idea for lunch or dinner a fix dinner. You save on the carrots peeling, if you reach for the prepared mini carrots from the refrigerator shelf and the chickpeas may like to come out of the glass or from the tin.

The only thing a little longer is the burning of the carrots in the oven - but they are wonderfully sweet and mild and the preparation is otherwise very easy and fast done - promised!

I would never be up came up with the idea to combine these different ingredients in combination with feta and parsley, but the compilation is really unique and I was simply thrilled with the blast result of so few and so different ingredients.
You can also prepare the salad well - He keeps well in the fridge It's great to take to the office or to a picnic.
The chickpea and carrot salad definitely makes it to the list of favorite salads and will be back soon! Try it!

Chickpea salad with baby tubes and feta ​​h2>

for 2 servings


250 g peeled and cleaned baby tubes from the refrigerated shelves
(alternatively: 250 g carrots, peeled and cut into slices or pens)
Peel and juice of 1/2 untreated lemon
1 glass of chickpeas (350 g) here: Alnatura
1-2 tablespoon of parsley, roughly chopped
100 g of feta cheese with olive oil and sea salt, freshly ground black pepper


Preheat the oven to 200 ° C top and bottom heat.
1-2 Add olive oil to a small non-stick baking pan.
Halve the carrots lengthwise , possibly remove woody ends.
Carrot and lemon abrasion in the form, with salt and Pf Season effer, mix well and place in the preheated oven. Cook for about 20-25 minutes until the carrots are cooked.

Drain the chickpeas and rinse in cold, running water, then place in a salad bowl.
The cooked carrots and oil from the mold over the Pour the chickpeas.
Add the chopped parsley and the lemon juice and mix well. If necessary add 1 tbsp of olive oil to the salad.
Season with salt and pepper.

Spread the salad on two plates, then crumble the feta evenly over it and serve.

Easy and delicious cooking recipes Healthy recipes, salad recipes, dessert recipes, soups, rice dishes, chicken recipes, meats, fish ......

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