Learn how to prepare a delicious bean salad step by step with very few ingredients. Easy and healthy recipe....
Huh? Did you really read the title correctly? Yes, you have! Sweet cupcakes were yesterday, hearty cupcakes are today! Of course I really like classic cupcakes, so that's where it all started. But after I came across the highly successful site http://www.skinnytaste.com/in search of healthy dishes (yes, I'm still here!) And stumbled upon this recipe, it was about me done: hearty, low-fat and someh...
The best man called this afternoon full of energy and asked if we do not want to grill. The weather seemed perfect: nice and warm, hardly any clouds in the sky - you just have to use this opportunity. At the same time he offered to drive past the wholesale market and look for a nice piece of meat or a fresh fish. Beaming with joy, he announced that he had gotten two splendid specimens of Doraden, ...
Just in time for the slowly worsening weather, I am also slowly in soup mood. What did we have for a wonderful November in Cologne! There was exactly one rainy day and there it just rippled for a short time. Can you imagine that? In the whole of November I did not even have an umbrella with me! When I recited the "November" poem by Heinrich Seidel as a child, I could not even fervently recite this...