When I discovered the salad leafing through an American magazine, it had happened to me. Brussels sprouts as a salad? This will get me right away. One of my - I think - coolest recipes is the raw Brussels sprouts salad with apples, walnuts and pecorino. This will get you real Brussels spunk haters. A real blast recipe. Another winter salad recipe is of course the red cabbage salad with chorizo. Te...
Brrr, is it so cold with you? Winter still has us under control here, but at least it shows itself from its most beautiful side: cold, bright blue sky and sunshine - that's what I like! Just the right soups weather! Hack-cheese-leek soup, leek-cheese-hack soup or cheese-leek-soup with hack - who does not know the party classic? This typical party soup has been making the rounds for decades alongsi...
Culinary trips, restaurant guides. Gastronomic tourism. The world is very big, you have to eat it little by little....